Sunday, June 11, 2017

In the beginning

I was born into a Catholic family. We attended church as often as possible. My family had statues and crucifixes everywhere. I attended a Catholic school where nuns and lay teachers taught all the basics and the Catholic religion. Sacraments were all a part of the growing and learning process. I was so happy to meet each 'goal' of the church. I read my Bible. I prayed all the time. Everything in my Catholic life went very well until I was 10. 
Preparing for one of the sacraments, confession, I started to ask questions of the priest advising us and my parents. The answers were not to be found. Nothing about the Bible, even the Catholic Bible. (Yes, it is different!) Most of the answers were about tradition. What? God nor Jesus said it? Someone else decided and now that is what we do? That did not seem right to me. 
---There are those that do not believe I questioned the church and traditions and beliefs at the age of 10, but I did. ----
I knew there was something more or different. There had to be. My mind and heart knew this without a doubt. A confused girl living in her Catholic family started searching for that 'something' that was different. I no longer considered myself to be Catholic. 
The search continued for many years. 

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